
Different Banking Terms : 02

01.       ALM – Asset Liability Management
02.       ANBC – Adjusted Net Bank Credit
03.       ASBA – Applications supported Bank accounts
04.       BOE – Bill of Exchange
05.       CASA – Current and savings accounts
06.       CBLO – Collateralised Bank Lending Obligations
07.       CIBIL – Credit Information Bureau of India Limited
08.       DPG – Deferred Payment Guarantee
09.       DPN – Demand Promissory Note
10.       DRAT – Debt Recovery Appellate tribunal

11.       DRI – Differential Rate of Interest
12.       DSCR – Debt Service Coverage Ratio
13.       EDI – Electronic Data Interchange
14.       EMI – Equated Monthly Instalments
15.       EPS – Earnings Per Share
16.       ESOP – Employee Stock Options
17.       FEDAI – Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India
18.       FFMC – Full Fledged Money Changers
19.       FOB – Free on Board
20.       LIBOR – London Inter Bank Operations Rate
21.       MIBOR – Mumbai Inter Bank Operations Rate
22.       MOU – Memorandum of Understanding
23.       MCA – Ministry of Company Affairs
24.       NPV – Net Present Value
25.       OCB – Overseas Corporate Bodies
26.       POA – Power of Attorney
27.       RKBY – Rashtriya Krishi Bima Yojana
28.       SEBI – Securities and Exchange Board of India
29.       LAF – Liquidity Adjustment Facility
30.       IDBI – Industrial Development Bank of India
31.       BCSBI – Banking Codes and Standards Board of India
32.       IRDA – Insurance Regulatory Development Authority
33.       DICGC – Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
34.       SPV – Special Purpose Vehicle
35.       CRISIL – Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited
36.       ICRA – Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency of India Limited
37.       CARE – Credit Analysis and Research Limited
38.       MCX – Multi Commodity Exchange
39.       CCIL – Clearing Corporation of India Limited
40.       OTCEI – Over the Counter Exchange of India
41.       EFT – Electronic Funds Transfer
42.       ARF – Asset Reconstruction Fund
43.       MSS – Market Stabilisation Scheme
44.       CRAR – Capital to Risk Assets Ratio
45.       FSDC – Financial Stability and Development Council
46.       SCARDB – State Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks
47.       LERMS – Liberalised Exchange Rate Management System
48.       BOT – Balance of Trade
49.       CAC – Capital account convertibility
      50.     NDS – Negotiated Dealing System


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